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[color= rgb(255, 255, 0);]Comenzi :[/color]

� .HELP - Displays command list (Deleted on most new Repacks)
� .WHERE - Displays map number, coordinates x,y,z and orientation h
� .INFO - Displays selected object info
� .FACTION - Displays selected object faction
� .ONLINE - Displays connected players count on server
� .TARGETGO - Selects nearest gameobjects and displays its info
� .PINGMM - Displays selected NPC on mini map
� .LISTSP - List of learned spells
� .LISTSK - List of learned skills

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0);]Creation commands :[/color]

� .ADD - Add item to your inventory, can't grant items to other players
� .ADDNPC - Add paralysed NPC at your location with your orientation
� .ADDGO - Add gameobject at your location with your orientation
� .ADDSPAWN - Add empty spawn if called without parameters
� .ADDSPAWN - NPC add single NPC spawn
� .ADDSPAWN - NPC N add single spawn for N NPC's

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0);]Deletion/Kill commands :[/color]

� .DEL - Delete selected object
� .KILL - Kill selected NPC
� .KILLALLNPC - Kill all NPC around you
� .DELALLCORP - Delete all player dead bodies

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0);]NPC/Objects manipulation :[/color]

� .TARGETLINK - Select spawn for currently selected NPC
� .TURN - Rurns NPC/spawn to look at you
� .COME - Asks selected NPC/spawn to come to you
� .SETLEVEL - Sets level for NPC/player/GM
� .SETMODEL - Sets model for NPC/player/GM
� .SETSIZE - Sets size for model of NPC
� .SETSPEED - Sets speed for animation and movement of selected NPC
� .SETSPAWNNPC - Sets NPC id and (optional) amount to be spawned
� .SETSPAWNGO - Sets gameobject to be spawned
� .SETSPAWNDIST - Sets spawn radius (or two radii min and max)
� .SETSPAWNTIME - Sets interval (or two intervals min and max) to spawn new
� NPC/gameobject instead of killed one
� .SETXP - Sets XP for player/GM
� .PARALYSE - Paralyse or free selected NPC
� .MOVE - Moves targeted gameobject (selection not visible on screen) relative to its current X Y Z

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0);]cters commands :Chara[/color]

� .RESURRECT - That's it
� .EXPORTCHAR - Exports character to separate file
� .IMPORTCHAR - Loads character from separate file.
� .LEARN - Learn some spell for player/GM
� .DELSP - Forget some spell
� .LEARNSK - Learn some skill for player/GM
� .DELSK - Forget some skill

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0);]Teleportation commands :[/color]

� .GO - Teleport to (map x y z) coordinates. DO NOT forget map parameter!
� .GOTRIGGER - Teleport to trigger number
� .GONAME - Teleport to player by name
� .GOGUID - Teleport to object by GUID Server control commands:
� .SAVE - Save world and players
� .SHUTDOWN - That's it
� .RETCL - Reloads all tcl scripts
� .RESCP - Reloads all SCP databases
� .CLEARQFLAGS - Forgets about all completed quests
� .EXPORTSPAWNSXY -filename- - Exports rectangular world area to file

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0);]Misc commands :[/color]

� .PPON - Turns on pathpoint collection
� .PPOFF - Turns off pathpoint collection
� .DISMOUNT - Dismounts you (in case you have lost your mounted icon after logoff)
� .BYTES - For debug
� .ADDDYN - For debug
� .STARTTIMER - For debug
� .STOPTIMER - For debug
� .TEST - For debug
� .SETAURA - For debug
� .EXPLORATION - For debug
� .FLAG1 - For debug
� .SETRESTSTATE - For debug[color= rgb(255, 255, 0);]Comenzi :[/color]

� .HELP - Displays command list (Deleted on most new Repacks)
� .WHERE - Displays map number, coordinates x,y,z and orientation h
� .INFO - Displays selected object info
� .FACTION - Displays selected object faction
� .ONLINE - Displays connected players count on server
� .TARGETGO - Selects nearest gameobjects and displays its info
� .PINGMM - Displays selected NPC on mini map
� .LISTSP - List of learned spells
� .LISTSK - List of learned skills

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0);]Creation commands :[/color]

� .ADD - Add item to your inventory, can't grant items to other players
� .ADDNPC - Add paralysed NPC at your location with your orientation
� .ADDGO - Add gameobject at your location with your orientation
� .ADDSPAWN - Add empty spawn if called without parameters
� .ADDSPAWN - NPC add single NPC spawn
� .ADDSPAWN - NPC N add single spawn for N NPC's

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0);]Deletion/Kill commands :[/color]

� .DEL - Delete selected object
� .KILL - Kill selected NPC
� .KILLALLNPC - Kill all NPC around you
� .DELALLCORP - Delete all player dead bodies

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0);]NPC/Objects manipulation :[/color]

� .TARGETLINK - Select spawn for currently selected NPC
� .TURN - Rurns NPC/spawn to look at you
� .COME - Asks selected NPC/spawn to come to you
� .SETLEVEL - Sets level for NPC/player/GM
� .SETMODEL - Sets model for NPC/player/GM
� .SETSIZE - Sets size for model of NPC
� .SETSPEED - Sets speed for animation and movement of selected NPC
� .SETSPAWNNPC - Sets NPC id and (optional) amount to be spawned
� .SETSPAWNGO - Sets gameobject to be spawned
� .SETSPAWNDIST - Sets spawn radius (or two radii min and max)
� .SETSPAWNTIME - Sets interval (or two intervals min and max) to spawn new
� NPC/gameobject instead of killed one
� .SETXP - Sets XP for player/GM
� .PARALYSE - Paralyse or free selected NPC
� .MOVE - Moves targeted gameobject (selection not visible on screen) relative to its current X Y Z

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0);]cters commands :Chara[/color]

� .RESURRECT - That's it
� .EXPORTCHAR - Exports character to separate file
� .IMPORTCHAR - Loads character from separate file.
� .LEARN - Learn some spell for player/GM
� .DELSP - Forget some spell
� .LEARNSK - Learn some skill for player/GM
� .DELSK - Forget some skill

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0);]Teleportation commands :[/color]

� .GO - Teleport to (map x y z) coordinates. DO NOT forget map parameter!
� .GOTRIGGER - Teleport to trigger number
� .GONAME - Teleport to player by name
� .GOGUID - Teleport to object by GUID Server control commands:
� .SAVE - Save world and players
� .SHUTDOWN - That's it
� .RETCL - Reloads all tcl scripts
� .RESCP - Reloads all SCP databases
� .CLEARQFLAGS - Forgets about all completed quests
� .EXPORTSPAWNSXY -filename- - Exports rectangular world area to file

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0);]Misc commands :[/color]

� .PPON - Turns on pathpoint collection
� .PPOFF - Turns off pathpoint collection
� .DISMOUNT - Dismounts you (in case you have lost your mounted icon after logoff)
� .BYTES - For debug
� .ADDDYN - For debug
� .STARTTIMER - For debug
� .STOPTIMER - For debug
� .TEST - For debug
� .SETAURA - For debug
� .EXPLORATION - For debug
� .FLAG1 - For debug
� .SETRESTSTATE - For debug

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